Telegram posts that may be of Interest (recent ones, 3-11-22 to 3-12-22)
These are a few selected ones from the last 2-3 days. I’ve bolded a few that I felt were “significant”.
There are quite a number of posts here, feel free to use Higher Inner Guidance as to what applies.
Text only. For viewer potential interest only. The name of the poster is on the first line. Enjoy the reading. Note that I am continually posting items of interest on the posts Telegram page.
[Kp caveat: Let me be clear… I do not have any idea who these people are, whether any of their information is “real”, but some of them resonate and lines up with what certain others have mentioned, here and there.]
These are posted in (approximate) chronological order. (the name of the channel is at the top of each)
The Real Kim Shady™️
Why is Pfizer being removed from the NYSE ?
And why is their building deserted in Collegeville, PA?
• McDonald’s Closing (at least) 200 Locations this year after human meat found in their products:
• All McDonalds Across the Globe Ordered Closed after FBI Discovered they had been serving human meat. The closures also involved Cemex, Heinz, TerraMar’s Red Ruby Rings, Red Shoes and Keystone Foods, all used for disposing of dead bodies. Find all the McDonalds Restaurants shutdown since Covid. Use New York City, Kuta Bali, Victoria, South Australia as a Starting Point. Find all the Processed Meat Factories across the World that got Rona’d: Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Pasties & any other processed meats. Start with Greggs.
• FBI finds remains of many people at McDonalds meat supplier:
• The Khazarians are the ones behind Mcdonalds. Now go find the TerraMar Project. The Submarine Operation Epstein/Maxwell group. That is where they collect the Jewels off the bottom of the Ocean.All those Children Tortured, Raped, Murdered & Eaten getting ground up & put inside the Jewels. See Those Red Jewel Rings they wear & The Red Shoe Club. Thats right Childrens Remains. See Cemex & Heinz too.
• They are using CV-19 as an excuse to close McDonalds worldwide: Kuta Beach:
[Chyna is in Ukraine; that’s why Trump always called it the “Chyna virus.]
new phone who dis
Interesting. It was always spelled ‘Chyna’
The Real Great Awakening
TroeishCHYNA is LITTERED with BIO Labs. Keep digging anons.
Also CHYNA translated to english means PRICE.
CHYNA has to pay the PRICE
Seth Keshel – “Captain K”
EVIDENCE. THE CHICAGO WAY. Jim Allen, instructs staff to make it impossible to reconcile ballots
EVIDENCE. THE CHICAGO WAY. Jim Allen, $230K import from Chicago, instructs staff to make it impossible to reconcile ballots. Delaware County, PA CV-2022-000032 Moton, Hoo.
Phil Godlewski 2.0
“The Deep State must, and will, be brought to heal. And it’s already happening.”
NESARA announcement imminent
new phone who dis
In Queen Elizabeth news..
Reports all over Chinese social media that Queen Elizabeth has died.
Kanye West hires Jason Lee, best known for his exclusive scoop that Queen Elizabeth died, as his new “head of media and partnerships.”
Next thing
Project Odin.
Queen Death 3 days Everything Stops + 10 days of mourning.
“Bay Of Pigs” Scenario.
All Bank’s & Stock Markets will close as per 70 yr Queen article.
To do the QFS transfer all World Banks need to close for 3 day’s to be able to do it.
They have between 3 to 5 days to do this. By Law no longer than 5 days is allowed. It does make most sense across a weekend.
You will need some cash out as ATM’s/EFTPOS machines will go down.
White Hats
Inside the WAR< THE WHITE HATS VS. DEEP STATE Inside the WAR.. Is a very IMPORTANT battle for the next INTERNET. _The DEEP STATE wants a New Internet that will be digitalized with INTERNET PASSPORTS into their New World internet. These passports will be only for those who abide by the World infection laws ( growing currently) , those who co-operate with the online banking ( new rules/Standards/regulations)... ///The Deep State has a plan to control the Whole World through thier INTERNET and through all peoples banking and social networks . ( This New INTERNET they want to launch is The Great Reset ....>>> Restarting the INTERNET)
The White Hats New INTERNET
.. this New INTERNET ready to be released by Tim Berners-Lee has the most advanced security and unbreakable encrypted System ever created to serve man kind. The features behind the New Internet has A.I systems to identify online pedophilia, human trafficking networks , world money laundering systems… Incubated in the many features of saving the World through Earth given foundation ,(A.I. advanced Quantum creation) to eradicate homelessness and third world poverty… Among all ending all Wars and giving generational healing through high Technology , that uses the advanced (hidden) systems connected to Tesla and vibrational frequency healing ( the body is a field of energy and receptors that connect to the DNA and all self dimensional healing rhythms that effect the state of the body and mind)///
White HATS
Plan to kill the current internet< KILL SWITCH...